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Monday, November 22, 2004

and once again, she's surrounded by many people, and in the crowd she's all alone. so many familiar faces, but she didn't recognise any of them. she sails on a ship with a crew that she thought she knew so well, but in reality, they are nothing but faceless phantoms sailing on the same journey as she was. and just like her, they are all alone in the midst of commotion. but unlike her, they do not realise it. all of them are deluding their very own selves that the zombies they are sharing their tombs with are an affirmative bunch. but they are nothing but lies. lies. lies. and lies.

her lips formed alot of pseudo smiles, and aching muscles is the aftermath. but she know that she cannot end this pseudonomity; she has to hide this pain that she feels inside, the hole in her heart that has never been filled and still unsure who has created it and why it expands day after day. she tries very hard to hide from people but they are just everywhere. she feels as if she's a target on a shooting range with nowhere to hide; waiting seems like forever but shot right through in an instant.

the heart has grown so cold, it has forgotten to feel. the coldness influences the mind and thus the soul has found it hard in believing. false and truth often coincides and it's hard to seperate those two from each other. promises have been pushed aside, patience is no longer a virtue. breaking away has now become a lifetime mission, but something that is impossible. there's no way for her to amputate herself from this cruel truth that she has to face, from this fake and backstabbing society that she has been forced to live in. trapped inside and outside, her mind disintergrates but simultaneously stimulating vicious and unimaginable thoughts that has never been revealed to any other person. the thoughts were purely hers, and hers alone and she'd protect it as if it was her child, her infant, her baby for it was the only thing that they cannot take away from her. let them have her pride, let them deprive her of the right, truthful company but never take her thoughts away from her. because then, she'd be nothing but an empty vessel, not waving but drowning in this big open sea.

died-ed at 6:54 pm
Sunday, November 21, 2004


slackers' comic finally posted a new comic. golly. and i've been waiting for weeks. this one features the halloween party at zouk, where MG and Yuxman got the weirdest costumes inspired by Cosplay and designed by Alice, which is a big mistake. i absolutely love the blurdy word and stuff. haha. i don't know why the hell i am writing this but i guess i'm tired serving people who have been coming to my house today and utterly bored watching Nujum Pak Belalang.. blablablablabla.

i'm gonna go collection of next coming friday. yeay. with the higher malay people. so higher malay people, if you are reading this, on friday, meet at ang mo kio mrt station at 0930 hrs alright. we shall all travel to bukit panjang to adila's uber far house and then go to ang mo kio to nasy's and then, we shall decide where we shall go. and i hope you guys do not complain that it is too early or too late because i really hate it when people pull a long face when we can't finish the whole gig by 2130 hours and afraid of being screwed by your parents. blahblahblah.

kintot and sunny, it's such a bummer that you people cannot come to my open house on thursday. i love you both so much and you can't come. blahblahblah. you guys are soo gonna miss out of good food baybehs. but never mind, i'll go and pack some and send it to you guys ok? that is if i am KIND ENOUGH. bwahahaha. sunny, maybe i can be a langau at your ekor and tag along with you around woodlands and be a muka tak tau malu on sunday ohkays?

baked bean's testimonial for me was YUCK. it's so 125 lohxXx. blardeedaa. eatshitfuckdanganddie. go and see if you wanna know. heh.

honeydew with sago is yummehness. bubbye.

died-ed at 4:37 pm

myz iQah. atiQ. tiQue. 050588. malay + arab + indonesian + chinese = pulchritudinous & lovely. art student. die hard fan of sunny. ex-rosythian. current bowenian and ain't proud of it. often vacillating. unwell. unappreciated. miss undazstood. bloginality is INTP. foreign malay converser. eccentric. very much in love with HERSELF. and him.

living and dead;

&loves coldplay. the ataris. linkin park. oasis. cheese. tiramisu cheesecake. pasta. cookies. cap Qs. starwars. graffiti. stephen king and isla dewar.
&hates microwave dinners. drifters. malay essays. show offs. drama queens. not being able to locate stuff. scrubbing my bedroom wall clean.


^ FlipandSplog
^ i-mockery
^ mutedfaith
^ necrotic obsession
^ yahoo album
^ the other yahoo album
^ PennyArcade
^ RoundRobin
^ SlackersComix
^ Three-Thirteen
^ unofficial bw forum


+ airell
+ amirah
+ ayu
+ bev
+ bnard
+ breakblaze
+ ceetee
+ elvish popstar
+ had
+ ida
+ ili
+ jason
+ jerald
+ joyce
+ lil meer
+ maygalai
+ nina
+ pinkpeach
+ rachel
+ rafie
+ ray
+ r.y.x.
+ shafik
+ shafiqah
+ shan
+ sharee
+ shez
+ spookey
+ urbanini
+ widee

words of wisdom;

"The difference between the rich and the poor:
Poor people say,'I can't afford it'.
Rich people say,'How can I afford it'."
source: Rich dad, Poor dad.

your will;

Thagboard Mehssage.


speak; (emo?)

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